Radiant Thermography & Wellness

Thermography is a reliable technique for detecting anomalies in the heat signatures near or on the surface of the body. This testing technique is globally used for detection of breast cancer and much more. Being a non-invasive procedure, it is extremely convenient for patients and the test results are quite informative. With the help of this technique, patients can get tested for heat signature changes in body without contact, radiation or compression.

Thermography training

Thermography training courses are designed for spreading awareness about health monitoring and maintenance applications among new infrared camera users. Such programs are open to people of all ages who are interesting in gaining practical knowledge about thermal imaging. When Part 1 and Part 2 are completed, a person would then become a Certified Thermographic Technician or a CTT. Trainings are performed by PACT trainers. Visit MedicalThermology.org for more information.

The thermography training will typically cover:

  • Room Setup: Participants will learn about essentials for thermography room setup. These includes precise information about temperature of the room, privacy screening and vital tools such as foam boards, stool, and artifacts. Thermography training will also offer awareness about all the essential technical considerations and background requirements such as windows/ direct light essentials, lighting solutions, air vents/ deflection, pipes in the wall and extraneous heat.

  • Intro to Positioning: Participants will go through an introduction to patient positioning during thermography training. Positioning training will encompass every critical detail that a professional technician must know to capture successful images. By the end of the training, participants will know exactly what procedure is to be followed for capturing breast images. A minimum of 6 images are taken of the breast. The breast images include: Front – Lateral Right – Lateral Left – Oblique Left – Oblique Right – Inferior) and another 25 images are taken for the full body scan. The CTT in training will have information about the necessary protocols to be followed by the patients, including keeping hair off the neck in a bun, avoiding touching/scratching, removing jewelry, undressing and putting clothes out of the way, acclimating with arms away from the body.

  • Positioning: Participants will be provided a detailed overview of positioning during thermography sessions. They will have ample information regarding review of full body images, perfecting the sequence, taking breast images on thermal camera, taking full body images on thermal camera, and uploading exam details. Participants will also get a chance to understand how they can practice sample scans at home for enhancing their proficiency.

  • Submitting Images after a scan: Participants will understand various steps to submit images after thermography sessions and access options such as a STAT report. They will be able to make changes within the patient form so that our interpreting doctors have all the information they need about our patients. From opening old scans of different patients to downloading and saving them into the interpretation software with password protection, thermography training covers everything. The goal is to make the interpretation and analysis process easy for participants.

Flow Well is a team of dedicated practitioner and health professionals who take pleasure in fulfilling the wellness needs of patients. If you are looking for information related to thermography training sessions, get in touch with the team of Flow Well today and to learn more about becoming a Certified Thermographic Technician.