Radiant Thermography & Wellness

Detox Coaching

“The Full Body Detox Program”

Get the most out of your Thermography results with our Full Body Detox

Your Thermography Journey - The Full Body Detox Program

Many of our patients needed more than a brief follow up review for their thermography results. All of us at Flow Well enjoy coaching patients to achieve their optimal health. That is why we created The Full Body Detox Program!

Work one on one with one of our expert thermographers to achieve your next Health Goal. Some of our patients are struggling with pesky symptoms and others want to go from great to excellent in their health status. Wherever you are on your journey, we are here for you!

At Flow Well we feel that this work is so powerful in helping you achieve your next health goal, we have a 100% Guarantee! We guarantee that you will see improvements with The Full Body Detox Program, we offer 100% refunds if progress doesn’t show.*

*You must complete all the assignments given/goals you set yourself, to track your progress with this program.

Is Detox Coaching for You?

Our goal for this program is to really help two types of people:

  • Those who really want to understand their thermography results to get the most benefits out of them.
  • Those who are ready to make lifestyle changes to achieve optimal health including opportunities to learn lifestyle enhancements from one thermography screening to the next.

Many of our patients want tips to experience less pain on a regular basis. You want more energy and focus to keep up with your loved ones. You are worried about a lump, knowing someone who went through cancer or other diseases. You really want to prevent future issues, you want to educate those you know and love about the powerful health analysis of medical thermography and you have been on the edge of feeling great for way too long!

Have questions? Contact us to schedule a call with a detox coach.


The Full Body Detox Program Includes:


4 Detox Coaching Sessions – We will outline your path to optimal health step by step so that you can prevent any potential diseases from festering in your body or decrease unwanted symptoms.

Detox Questionnaire – this identifies the amount of toxins in your environment that could lead to cancer and other diseases. Your DQ will be paired with a Tracking guide to optimal health. See your Measurable progress!

Patient Health Tip Workbook – digital workbook that shares commonly missed health needs, and it could help you get hours of quality sleep every single night!

Shirely Prendergast

Great service and followup. Signing up for a full body detox with Shanna was something that I needed. I struggled through our first couple of sessions but she put me right back on track. By our last session I was pumped that I had met "most" goals and was eager to set new ones. It is most certainly a fantastic service that was tailored to my needs. I look forward to sending her updates on my progress. I highly recommend.


Excellent. Truth in healthcare. My thermographer, Shanna, gave me a REAL way to get healthy based on my thermography report and on her exceptional, and vast knowledge of alternative therapies. These therapies should not be called "alternative". The thermography report and experience of having Shanna review it with me is something you will never find in "conventional" medicine. But I know it's the truth, and it's the way to prevent illness and be healthy. I'm looking forward to taking her suggestions.

Brenda Baron

I just completed my third Thermography with Flow Well and am always pleased with the care and follow up Shanna and Janelle provide. It’s not only a service that allows you, the client, to receive and track vital information about your physical health ...it allows you a basis to speak more intelligently and informed to your medical staff, thus making educated decisions and choices together,as a team. I highly recommend Flow Well. The detailed suggestions received are priceless.

Joyce Stech

Very thorough and professional. Would recommend to everyone to be proactive on your health by this method. Very thorough and professional.

Deborah C.

Hello. My experience of a full body thermography with Janelle was very easy and pleasant. I am extremely health conscious and consider this screening to be safe and important in my overall health and prevention. I will tell others and will do this again myself.

Jane S.

Knowledgeable and Professional. Shanna is very knowledgeable and I always look forward to her sharing great information with me. Very professional and kind.


Wonderful experience! Our first time seeing Kristin and my husband and I can say that we had a wonderful experience and we felt very much at ease. We recommend these tests to everyone. They're painless and you can actually see what's going on inside your body.

Elizabeth B.

Their knowledge and expertise regarding Thermography is of the highest standard. She can help guide you with a healing protocol using many different healing modalities. This process leads toward true wellness. I am grateful for her support and knowledge. I recommend her without reservation.

Carole Krublit

I found the thermography process totally painless and actually pleasant. When I think of my Mammograms, I shudder! I plan to use this method every year to help safeguard myself.


Life changing. I am so glad I discovered thermography as a safe, accurate way to detect health issues early in the body, including inflammation and cancer. I had my first thermography screening with Shanna Rivera in November 2016 and I have been seeing her for a regular 6-month follow-up ever since. Shanna is always very professional throughout the entire process, including the follow-up phone call and she is extremely knowledgeable about achieving optimum health. I highly recommend her.

Victoria Bear

Great thermography experience. I've been doing thermography for at least six years and did some with a practitioner that didn't have the higher resolution camera (which I wasn't aware of) so the images were worthless! I found out this by going to BTI! Make sure you go to a professional and they are definitely one with the right equipment for the scans! Save your life and get a thermography exam today!

Iris S.

I have been using breast thermography for a long time. The entire body can find things that are normal and things that are abnormal. This way the thermography can find what must be taken care of.


Frequently Asked Questions

Self-care is so extremely important in this present moment! If you are already thinking you do not have time to invest in your health, that will be the first thing we address! We help patients (and ourselves) to find more time in the 24-hour day ALL THE TIME!

For most people there is usually a priority that can be changed up a bit to make this investment in your health. How often each month do you go out to dinner? Get your nails done? Go to Starbucks or out for a coffee? A few little changes will find the funds that could make this investment a huge impact on the rest of your life!!! Consider your priorities!

I know you’ve heard the expression, “There’s no better time than the present moment!”. It’s so very true to take action now to get your goals down, find the time you’ve been searching for in your own schedule and to feel amazing! Our Flow Well team has done a lot of detox programs, self-discovery webinars and made positive lifestyle changes. Not all of them stuck but each one gave us a better understanding of what our optimal health looks like. The proof is in the follow up thermography scan! Determine if the lifestyle you’ve committed to is working for you or if you need to revisit what you already learned in our Full Body Detox program.

Investing in your own self care routine is success #1! Bonus, any other positive discoveries we make will be success #2, #3, #4 or more!



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