Radiant Thermography & Wellness


“The Full Body Detox Program”

Get the most out of your Thermography results with our Full Body Detox


Many of our patients needed more than a brief follow up review for their thermography results. All of us at Radiant Thermography enjoy coaching patients to achieve their optimal health. That is why we created The Full Body Detox Program!

Work one on one with one of our expert thermographers to achieve your next Health Goal. Some of our patients are struggling with pesky symptoms and others want to go from great to excellent in their health status. Wherever you are on your journey, we are here for you!

At Radiant, we feel that this work is so powerful in helping you achieve your next health goal, we have a 100% Guarantee! We guarantee that you will see improvements with The Full Body Detox Program, we offer 100% refunds if progress doesn’t show.*

*You must complete all the assignments given/goals you set yourself, to track your progress with this program.

Is Wellness Coaching
for You?

Our goal for this program is to really help two types of people:

  • Those who really want to understand their thermography results to get the most benefits out of them.
  • Those who are ready to make lifestyle changes to achieve optimal health including opportunities to learn lifestyle enhancements from one thermography screening to the next.

Many of our patients want tips to experience less pain on a regular basis. You want more energy and focus to keep up with your loved ones. You are worried about a lump, knowing someone who went through cancer or other diseases. You really want to prevent future issues, you want to educate those you know and love about the powerful health analysis of medical thermography and you have been on the edge of feeling great for way too long!

Have questions? Contact us to schedule a call with a detox coach.

Our wellness program includes:


4 Wellness Coaching Sessions – We will outline your path to optimal health step by step so that you can prevent any potential diseases from festering in your body or decrease unwanted symptoms.

Detox Questionnaire – this identifies the amount of toxins in your environment that could lead to cancer and other diseases. Your DQ will be paired with a Tracking guide to optimal health. See your Measurable progress!

Patient Health Tip Workbook – digital workbook that shares commonly missed health needs, and it could help you get hours of quality sleep every single night!

Emogene B.

Recent full body thermography at Sarasota site. Rented office was difficult to find for parking . Once arrived all went smoothly. Technician pleasant, skilled and efficient. Mask cannot be worn during images. Room was comfortably cool. In and out in an hour. Payment by credit card on site. Results pending. I am repeat customer due to the quality of the images. Highly recommend. Most people don't understand how valuable this technology is to their health. It is worth traveling to obtain these services.

Stephen M.

Thermography is not only a great tool for women but for men too. I was hesitant at first and now that I've experienced it, I definitely recommend it for other men. You have a sense of privacy at all times and it's over before you know it. Plus our health is important and early detection is a real good thing.

Herb B.

Given the precise imaging quality of thermography, the comfort, convenience, and the elimination of radiation, it is hard to find a reason why one would nott want to use thermography over mammography. I have opting for this health option for probably close to ten years and I am extremely grateful to have this early-detection option here in Charleston. Radiant’s employees are professional while going out of their way to make each customer feel at ease. I would highly recommend this health option to others.

Penni B.

Janelle made what could otherwise be an awkward situation very comfortable. She was professional and very knowledgeable about the testing process and reporting. I strongly recommend Janelle and refer my patients to her regularly.

Lynn V.

I just wanted to send a note to say my experience was very good! I had a breast thermography and it went very smoothly and it did not take too long! It was done in a very professional manner!

Jamie C.

My experience with Radiant Thermography was a very positive one. Janelle explained the various options for examination on our phone call, and I received information on how to prepare for the exam. Several emails were sent to me as reminders for my appointment. When I arrived at the exam, Janelle was waiting and ready for me. Everything went smoothly and I am awaiting my results. I was impressed that I will get a follow-up consultation about the results. I recommend Radiant to anyone having health concerns or just for a baseline reading of your body.

Danielle B.

Thermography screening is so easy! The technician was professional and the process only took a few minutes. It’s just like having your picture taken. Highly recommend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Self-care is so extremely important in this present moment! If you are already thinking you do not have time to invest in your health, that will be the first thing we address! We help patients (and ourselves) to find more time in the 24-hour day ALL THE TIME!

For most people there is usually a priority that can be changed up a bit to make this investment in your health. How often each month do you go out to dinner? Get your nails done? Go to Starbucks or out for a coffee? A few little changes will find the funds that could make this investment a huge impact on the rest of your life!!! Consider your priorities!

I know you’ve heard the expression, “There’s no better time than the present moment!”. It’s so very true to take action now to get your goals down, find the time you’ve been searching for in your own schedule and to feel amazing! Our Flow Well team has done a lot of detox programs, self-discovery webinars and made positive lifestyle changes. Not all of them stuck but each one gave us a better understanding of what our optimal health looks like. The proof is in the follow up thermography scan! Determine if the lifestyle you’ve committed to is working for you or if you need to revisit what you already learned in our Full Body Detox program.

Investing in your own self care routine is success #1! Bonus, any other positive discoveries we make will be success #2, #3, #4 or more!


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Excellent Customer Service is Our Goal

Please reach out to our team for any questions or more information about Thermography.  We are happy to provide a complimentary Sample Report to showcase our unique and detailed reporting. We use state of the art equipment for your imaging and provide speedy turnaround time for your results. At Radiant, our technicians travel to locations near you for your convenience. If we’re not in your area yet, please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.